Sunday 5 December 2010

JSB DR for Diagnostic Centers

1) More comprehensive "Head-to-Toe" check-up is possible.

2) Quality of diagnostic centers will be far more different than that of other facilities.

3) Diagnostic centers will enjoy more profit due to increased check-up applications.

4) Able to lead by example other healthcare providers due to the fact that 4th generation JSB DR can acquire excellent image quality with the lowest X-ray dose.

Added Check-up List with JSB DR

1) Chest X-ray

2) Whole Spine (Scoliosis, Lordosis, Kyphosis)

3) Long Bone (Bow-leg, Growth Petal)

4) General (True AP, PA, Lateral Extremities)

Price Comparison to that of CCD

It takes about 5 seconds to scan the whole spine, whereas it usually takes 3 seconds to examine the chest only. In order to scan the longer part such as whole spine or lower extremities, the capacity of X-ray tube should be larger than that of CCD. Our system as cooling type has 1MHU, whereas CCD type uses 1/3 ~ 2/5 of the amount DDR Inventor-V has. We think that's why our price seems to be higher than CCD DR systems.

It may sound far-fetched, but MIC detector is semi-permanent provided that it is used properly without being affected by outer physical impact. If such as impact was made, the gas in the detector could be leaking and the detector could function less effectively. Then we have to repair it, refilling the gas.

And replacing the detector costs reasonably provided that it is caused by user's carelessness in their usage and the warranty period is over. In fact, we will offer the replacement at the reasonable price until the system is no longer used.

We are certain that even though it may cost more than CCD DR as initial investment, DDR Inventor-V will be economically advantageous in the longer term compared to CCD or FPD types.

Study Result

From January 2003 to March 2007, Samsung Medical Center compared the slot-scan digital radiography (SSDR) of the lower extremtity region and the computed radiography (CR) method with respect to the image quality and radiation exposure. To obtain an SSDR image, they used the DDR Inventor-V.

In conclusion, the data suggest that the SSDR method can provide a better image quality than the CR method in the lower extremity region. In addition, the SSDR method, for the most part, exposes the patient to a lower entrance skin dose. You can see the literature on our website at or other Internet search engines like Google.

Shielding Booth for Space-saving

The capsule-type X-ray system was developed for the first time in the world by JSB Medics to provide shielding solution that will be able to function as all-in-one digital clinic. The system was developed for making most use of space. Fully shielded system requires only 1.5m X 3m of room space.

Due to the complete shielding of the Digital X-ray System, it is unnecessary to shield the X-ray room in its entirety. And space-saving design allows installation in confined areas such as consulting room. The minimum installation area is 3,000mm X 1,500mm. In addition, there is no need for control rooms or for the entire shielding of X-ray rooms, which is ultimately leading to lower costs.

Also, since taking X-rays right in front of the equipment is possible, it will save the operator's time in walking to the control room. And as the operator can take the X-ray near the patient, this will aid in stability in the patient and shorten the time necessary to take the X-ray.

Authorities are very sensitive when it gets to the governing of the placement and operation of X-ray equipment as well as human exposure to X-rays. With conventional X-ray equipment, rooms need to be specifically prepared for placement of the machine and operators are obligated to operate the machine from a distance protected by lead aprons and screens. The JSB shielding apparatus is unique in that it can be placed in any room and operating personnel are not exposed to scattered X-rays.

When PACS is not built

Establishing PACS environment costs too much. At the same time, the price of conventional X-ray films is rising due to its scarce inventory and increased demands in the region.

The solution is that JSB Medics can provide them with not only DDR Inventor-V but also mini-PACS and Monitor. Then users can read X-ray images without having to build up full PACS.

JSB wants you to adopt the DDR Inventor-V instead of X-ray film that would cost too much to purchase. Output and storage is possible by using CDs. Think about it. How much are X-ray films? And other costs like a photo darkroom and chemicals to develop the film and so forth? After all, the PACS envionment will be ruling. It is a trend.

Monday 29 November 2010

Unequalled Radiation Exposure Reduction

With medical imaging usage increasing over the last 25 years, reducing the patient's exposure to X-ray doses has been a top priority of the medical imaging community for several years. The technology of JSB allows its dosage to be 6 to 9 times less than CR system and more than 100 times below that of a 3D CT scan because JSB detector's automatic gain, control, paired with its ability to reject scattered X-rays, gives radically enhanced image contrast performance at a very reduced dose. Only JSB can produce such an image at such doses, bringing the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principles to levels never met before.

JSB people are not satisfied with the current state-of-the-art with regards to radiation safety in the field of X-ray imaging in particular and ionizing radiation based imaging systems in general. The effects of ionizing radiation on the environment and human health today are unnecessarily destructive. When developing new products and devices, JSB relies on safe, innovative technology that allows for reduction of the radiation dose utilized and thus the harmful effects of medical X-radiation on the patient. The utilization of these innovative methods provides a drastic reduction in the radiation exposure to both patient and staff while maintaining the high diagnostic quality of the digital X-ray image that medical X-ray imaging demands. These reductions in radiation profile are often greater than ten fold and provide for the creation of a new radiation safety standard.

A new study suggests that a drug is currently under development to protect cells from the damaging effects of radiation exposure. The new developmental drug assists mitochondria in combating irradiation-induced cell death. But currently, no drugs on the market counteract the effects of radiation exposure. In this respect, DDR Inventor-V is very beneficial since its effective exposure time is shorter than that of other radiography systems. That means low noise characteristics of detector and application of scanning method make a result of low radiation dose to patients.

We believe that all radiologists should always try to limit the radiation dose to our patients as much as possible. DDR Inventor-V will decrease radiation exposure and will streamline the workflow for technologists.

The difference between the scanning time and exposure time in the scanning systems is as follows. The exposure time in X-ray systems (both film and digital) characerizes the time of exposure (influence time) of the patient to the X-ray radiation for obtaining a high-quality X-ray image. The exposure time depends on the receiver sensitivity, kind of examination, radiation parameters and is from units up to hundreds milliseconds. In turn, the scanning time characterizes the time of passing over the selected (by means of the collimator) area of (scanning this area by) a very narrow fan-like X-ray beam. So patient is exposed to radiation layer-by-layer, as against the traditional radiography, where the patient is exposed to a wide beam acting simultanously upon the whole selected area.

Many clients and end-users wonder why the patient exposure dose in digital X-ray scanning system is lower than in other types of digital X-ray systems. The lower patient exposure dose is conditioned by high sensitivity of the X-ray image receiver, absense of anti-scattering grid, short time of an effective exposure of the patient.

Dosage is quite a sensitive matter and the primary reason why pregnant women and children are only X-rayed under strict conditions. With the JSB machine the danger of an overdose is taken away and both children and pregnant women could be X-rayed without concern.

Most innovative, JSB's DR system's radiation dose is about 1/3 to 1/5 of that of existing film-type or other DRs in general chest imaging. And recently, the ratio has been lowered up to 1/10 with the help of efficiency improvement of its detector. This is according to the study: Comparison of Radiation Dose of DDR Inventor-V to CR & DR in Long Bone and Spot Scanogram Imaging at 41st the Annual Meeting of Korean Radiological Technologists Association.

JSB has a novel medical imaging technique that allows long bone imaging of patients using radiation doses up to 80% lower than those required for a standard CR (computed radiography) X-ray. JSB is a revolutionary solution to reduce irradiation linked to radiological investigations, which has risen by 600% over the past 20 years. The benefits of JSB DR are particularly important in pediatrics, because children undergo X-rays throughout their development, when their organs are highly susceptible to ionizing radiation. JSB DR is also significantly beneficial in adults who do not wish to be exposed to ionizing radiation during standard X-rays or CT scans.

Pediatric Patient Radiography

Unique linear slot-scanning X-ray technology

* Highly focused fan beam that effectively eliminates large X-ray doses

* The user can effectively control the actual dose administered to a child

* Adjustable: scan speed, digital resolution and X-ray technical parameters

* Paediatric imaging can be fully customized to fit the diagnostic requirements

* Paediatric imaging specialists can individually control and administer only the lowest possible dose required to achieve the highest quality results needed.

* The ability to create images using a very short effective exposure time.

Low Radiation Dose

1) DDR Inventor-V scanning method ensures shorter exposure times than other radiography systems.

2) Low noise characteristics of the detector combine with unique scanning method to reduce radiation dose to patients.

3) Exposure time is effectively defined by the time of passing of the narrow beam over the selected tissues.

4) The highly focused beam effectively eliminates large area X-ray doses, so reducing radiation exposure risk to patients and to staff.

5) Patient is exposed to radiatioon layer-by-layer, as against the traditional radiography techniques where a wide beam acts simultaneously on the entire anatomical area.

6) The combinations of high sensitivity detector, narrow fan beam, absence of anti-scatter grid and short effective exposure time serve to lower patient exposure dose levels.

7) With JSB Medics DDR scanning system, the lower levels of radiation allow careful reconsideration of safe procedures for children and pregnant women.


DR-Works, based on DICOM, is completely compatible with HIS(Hospital Information System). The hospitals even without PACS can manage patient information and images independently with its own viewer and database.

Operating software DR-Works, which was developed considering convenience of users, has compatibility with hospital information system (HIS) or PACS by keeping DICOM protocol. In addition, medium and small hospitals also can manage patient information, inspection and image information with DR-Works by the viewer and database.

MIC Detector

Digital radiography system, DDR Inventor-V, adopts MIC(Multi-channel Ionization Chamber) detector which has intrinsic features of hig efficiency by direct conversion of incident X-ray to electric signal, high fill factor without dead zone and without dead pixel and adopts scanning system which can prevent scattered radiation with fan beam. These characteristics of MIC detector provide merit of high image quality with low dose irradiation against patient.

Most of the digital radiography systems which are based on charge-coupled device(CCD) and amorphous silicon (a-Si) are indirect conversion type that uses scintillator to convert incident X-ray into visible light. That is, they need two-step process to get electronic signal for digital image and that image quality is significantly affected by scintillator. On the other hand, MIC detector is direct conversion type. The X-ray irradiation which passed through the patient penetrates into the space between the electrodes. And the gas in the chamber is ionized to generate charges on the corresponding electrodes. The induced charges are read directly by electronics.

Fill factor is the ratio of the sensitive area of the pixel to the effective area of the detector element itself. If the fill factor is small, light photons from a part of incident X-rays may never be recorded. MIC detector has no loss of effective sensing area because most of all ions are captured between the electrodes. Above all, MIC detector has nearly no dead pixel by its intrinsic characteristics.

The MIC detector has strong durability on operating such as surrounding temperature, humidity, vibration and treatment. This feature provides users with benefit on the maintenance for economic operation. Also, JSB can provide a full-coverage of customer service in short time, since it has its own technology on core parts and keeps sufficient inventory.

DQE is the measure of the combined effect of the noise and contrast performance of an imaging system. The detector with high DQE provides high quality image and potential advantage of low radiation dose. DQE of MIC detector is as high as about 50% at 2.5 lp/mm.


Some clients want to know whether the use of the anti-scattering grid in the scanning systems is required. The scattered radiation is deflected and does not get on the sensitive area of the X-ray sensitive detector, because the X-ray image receiver is a very narrow linear array X-ray sensitive detector.

Vascular Pulsations

Many clients are worried that the vascular pulsations caused by the hearbeats might affect the quality and diagnostic capabilities of the digital X-ray image. This is not the case. Because the scanning time is short, the exposure time does not exceed 10 miliseconds. It is confirmed by the experience of examination of many patients.

Exact Vertical Size

The film-screen and flat plate type detector cannot avoid the image distortion in vertical and horizontal directions. Scan-DR shows real size of image in the vertical direction.

Screen-film radiography has geometric distortion in horizontal and vertical direction. DDR Inventor-V can show exact real size in vertical direction because there is no geometric distortion in vertical (scanning) direction.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Exposure Time

Normal exposure time of conventional screen-film radiography for chest is about 0.01 ~ 0.05 sec. In the case of Scan DR, exposure time per line depends on scanning speed and is under 0.005 sec. at normal scan speed. Therefore, effective exposure time of Scan DR is shorter than that of other radiography systems. In addition, characteristics of MIC detector related to high image quality such as direct conversion, low scattered radiation and high fill factor contribute to low radiation dose on patients.

Scatter Issue

Scattered X-ray photons can contribute very significantly to the exposure of the image. In screen-film or flat panel type radiography, scattered radiation causes a reduction of contrast of the image. The main effect of scattered radiation is to increase the noise of image. Grids are used to reduce scattered radiation, but can also produce artifacts on the image.

In the case of scan type, the fan beam by collimator reduces scattered radiation from patient and linear structure of detector also prevents incident scattered ray from patient. Therefore, there is no need for severe image processing to remove the noise from scattered radiation and image processing speed is very fast.

Benefits of Scan Type DR

1) The influence of non-diagnostic scatter radiation on image quality is minimized without the need for dose increasing anti-scatter grids.

2) Scatter radiation, though inherent in image processes, is largely deflected away from the narrow, linear X-ray detector and so contribute minimally to the image.

3) Contrast sensitivity is substantially improved due to the near elimination of scatter radiation from adjacent structures.

4) DDR Inventor scanning technology ensures reasonable cost of entry and low operational and maintenance related costs.

5) Vascular pulsations caused by heartbeats do not affect the image quality due to the very short effective exposure time and the short scanning cycle.

6) Compact dimensions of less than 1,700mm x 1,100mm.

No Effect of X-ray Scatter

1) Scattered X-ray photons can contribute very significantly to the exposure of the image. In screen-film or flat panel type radiography, scattered radiation causes a reduction of contrast of the image.

2) The main effect of scattered radiation is to increase the noise of image. Grids are used to reduce scattered radiation, but can also produce artifacts on the image.

3) In the case of DDR Inventor-V, the fan beam by collimator reduces scattered radiation from patient and linear structure of detector also prevents incident scattered ray from patient.

4) Therefore, there is no need for severe image processing to remove the noise from scattered radiation and image processing speed is very fast.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Long Scan Picture

1) The DDR Inventor-V is another innovation from JSB and it completely revolutionizes how long bone image is done.

2) It also eliminates the need for image stitching process and creates a full spine image on one exposure.

3) Workflow is once again streamlined by a single exposure hence reducing dose and discomfort to the patient.

4) Because the full spine or long bone image is taken in one shot and image stitching is eliminated, DDR Inventor-V increases user's productivity and throughput.

Low Dose & Low Distortion

1) Normal exposure time of conventional screen-film radiography for chest is about ~ 0.05 sec.

2) In the case of DDR Inventor-V, exposure time per line depends on scanning speed and is under 0.005 sec. at normal scan speed.

3) Therefore, effective exposure time of DDR Inventor-V is shorter than that of other radiography systems.

4) In addition, characteristics of MIC detector related to high image quality such as direct conversion, low scattered radiation and high fill factor contribute to low radiation dose on patients.

5) The film-screen and flat plate type detector cannot avoid the image distortion in vertical and horizontal directions.

6) DDR Inventor-V shows real size of image in the vertical direction.

Sunday 21 November 2010

High Fill Factor

1) Fill factor is the ratio of the sensitive area of the pixel to the effective area of the detector itself.

2) If the fill factor is small, light photons from a part of incident X-rays may never be recorded.

3) MIC detector has no loss of effective sensing area because most of all ions are captured between the electrodes.

4) Above all, MIC detector has no dead zone by its intrinsic characteristics.

Direct Conversion of X-ray

1) Most of the digital radiography system which are based on charge-coupled device (CCD) and amorphous silicon (a-Si) are indirect conversion type that uses scintillator to convert incident X-ray into visible light.

2) That means they need two-step process to get electronic signal for digital image and the image quality is significantly affected by scintillator.

3) MIC detector is direct conversion type. The X-ray irradiation which passed through the patient penetrates into the space between the electrodes and the gas filled in the camber is ionized to generate charges on the corresponding electrodes.

4) The induced charges are read directly by electronics.

Technology and Operating Principle

* Scanning the patient with very narrow (less than 2 mm) X-ray beam formed by the slot collimator

* Utilization of a high sensitive, patented linear array of detectors

* X-ray image acquisition by precise step-by-step scanning by means of a linear detector, the motion of which is synchronized with the scanning X-ray beam

* Using algorithms for X-ray detection, signal processing, image reconstruction and archiving of the high-quality digital images

The imaging principle employs a proprietary array of detector that scans the patient's body with a corresponding narrow X-ray beam. The X-ray source and X-ray detector are mounted on a frame, which moves along the patient profile.

Size of Long Image with Exposure

When the "Line Scan Type X-ray Diagnostic Equipment" of JSB is applied, there will ideally be no limit to the length of the subject. In case of equipment under development by JSB, radiographic imaging of a subject with a maximum length of 100 mm with line width of 410 mm is possible at 2,048 x 5,000 pixels. This means that taking X-rays of long subjects such as the leg bones or the vertebrae will be easily possible. Also, despite the subjects being great at length, the total time it takes to take an X-ray is less than 10 sec., even with image processing time. It is also easier to operate when compared to the existing method of moving the subject to different positions or using many units of FPD. Actually, the diagnostic equipment developed by JSB has been under clinical trial at a hospital in Seoul, and the results of time or images have been rated to be much more satisfactory when compared to the CR (Computed Radiography) system previously used in that hospital. When compared to the existing CR equipment, the time it took to take X-rays per person was as short as 1/5, significantlydiminishing the time spent to take X-rays over a 1 year period. On the contrary, when the scan-DR equipment is used, taking more X-rays during a given period is possible, thus resulting in the increase in efficiency in hospital operation. Because many X-ray photos are attached together to show the final photo when CR equipment is used, disconnections in the final image are inevitable, which is also the case with FPD or CCD detectors. However, when the Scan-DR is used to take X-rays, there will be no disconnections due to its scan method, resulting in clear images.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Low Radiation Dose

Unlike widely used CCD or FPD, the LST (Line Scan Type) X-ray diagnostic system creates a fan beam X-ray to scan the subject. In case of the diagnostic system including the FPD, the X-ray is radiated in the form of cones, and the X-ray that has passed through the subject is set onto the detector array installed FPD. Thus, the X-ray is scattered as it passes through the subject, resulting in the lowered quality of the image. On the other hand, in the line scan type X-ray diagnostic system offered by JSB Medics, the X-ray source created in the X-ray tube passes through the collimator and radiates in the form of fan beam, passing through the subject, incident on the line scan type detector. Here, the vertically scattered X-ray dose not reach the detector, thus the image signal is improved when compared to the FPD type detector. Also, the line scan type detector has very low radiation scattering effect, making high quality projection images with just a short time of X-ray exposure and low radiation strength which will diminish the radiation exposure to the subject. Actually, the exposure to radiation in other diagnostic system is between 1/20 to 1/5 sec. but the detection technology of JSB allows just 1/250 sec. of exposure. This is a significant reduction in radiation exposure, in that during chest X-rays, the radiation exposure using the JSB technology was less than 1/3 of normal chest X-rays. When the exposure is this low, radiation of diagnosis is possible for children or pregnant women under safe environments, and the operators in charge of handling the diagnostic equipment for long periods of time will also benefit.

Economic Installation, Operation and Repair/Maintenance

The scan-form digital X-ray diagnostic system offered by our company has a very low installation cost, less than half of the installation cost of FPD (Flat Panel Detector). Also, the detector's direct exposure to radiation, as with FPD, will diminish the life of electronic components, making the replacement cycle of the detector 2 to 3 years. However, detectors in the form of gas chamber has less of such effects, lowering the occurrence of dead pixels or that of diminished sensor sensitivity of the detector, making it last much longer. last, this form of diagnostic system is structurally stable even in harsh operational conditions such as rough handling, external vibration, high or low temperatures. Because the price of the detector is basically low, the maintenance cost can also be kept low.

Technology of JSB DR

The most important part of the X-ray diagnostic system is the X-ray detector. The value of the detector among various components of the equipment, whether the system is CCD (Charge-Coupled Device) or FPD (Flat Panel Detector), is around 45 to 55% of the entire cost. The greatest difference between the general X-ray diagnostic system and the scan-type digital X-ray system offered by JSB Medics is the gas chamber type X-ray diagnostic equipment which makes it possible to see through large sized subjects even with low level of radiation. To rephrase, X-ray radiated in line form penetrates the subject, to be entered into the gas chamber form X-ray detector behind the subject. The X-ray generator and detector move to the concerned area in a constant speed to shoot the subject. The gas chamber form X-ray detector is filled with xenon (Xe) gas which is ionized by the X-ray. This in turn is turned into an image after being quantified by the ion counter. The following shows the advantages of the "scan-type X-ray diagnostic system" developed by JSB Medics when compared to the existing CCD or FPD.

JSB DR meets the needs of the following

JSB DR is designed to meet the needs of following.

1) Long Bone X-ray images can be completed in five to seven seconds.
2) Ease of operation allows non-specialized personnel to perform procedures.
3) Reduced risk of radiation exposure to staff and patients.
4) Exams typically take as little as 15 seconds from beginning to end.
5) Highly focused fan beam effectively eliminates large X-ray doses.
6) Imaging can be fully customized to fit the diagnostic requirements.
7) Imaging specialists can individually control and administer only the lowest possible dose required to achieve the highest quality results needed.
8) It has the ability to create images using a very short effective exposure time.

Innovation from JSB Medics

JSB DR is another innovation from JSB and it completely revolutionizes how long bone imaging is done. It also eliminates the need for image stitching process and create a full spine image on one exposure. Workflow is once again streamlined by a single exposure, hence reducing dose and discomfort to the patient. Because the full spine or long bone image is taken in one shot and image stitching is eliminated, JSB DR increases user's productivity and throughput.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

In Comparison to CR (Computed Radiography)

Long-length imaging is an essential radiography technique in the field of orthopedic surgery for the diagnosis of scoliosis and alignment measurements on the full length of the lower limbs. In the most hospitals, they conduct radiography with multiple IPs loaded in a long-length cassette and join the images together when reading them.

The conventional CR long-length imaging operation is complex. It requires switching the IP and reading the image after every exposure. Patient throughput is poor, as the patient has to wait in the radiography room while the images are being checked. Conversely, slot-scan radiography requires just the start and end positions to be set. Images can be checked immediately after radiography is complete, which reduces the examination time and improves efficiency.

Conventional CR long-length imaging is difficult in cases where a wide imaging field is required, such as patients with severe scoliosis and radiography of both legs simultaneously. With its 990mm MIC detector movement range and 410mm wide coverage, slot-scan DR flexibly accommodates a diverse range of radiography examinations. As many scoliosis patients are young, it is important to reduce the X-ray exposure dose over the follow-up examinations over many years. JSB's slot-scan DR exploits the wide dynamic range of the MIC detector to perform radiography with a lower X-ray exposure dose than the conventional method.

With its easy operation and excellent patient throughput, slot-scan DR could replace cassette radiography. The slot-scan DR function satisfies a range of clinical requirements and we anticipate that it will become increasingly effective for long-length imaging.

Advantages and Benefits of Digital Radiography Systems

Delivering high quality radiographic images almost instantaneously, JSB slot-scan imaging technique improves overall productivity thus significantly reducing the cost of digital radiography systems in comparison with digital X-ray equipment based on other types of imaging devices. JSB DR generates 41cm x 99cm images with 2048 pixels x 5710 pixels in standard mode.

- Low Dose: The overriding advantage of digital scanning technology is that digital X-ray images offer consistently excellent image quality and high contrast resolution at a lower dose. A recent study indicates that digital radiography achieved comparable image quality with conventional film radiography with 50 - 70 percent radiation dosage reduction.

- Cost Reduction: No film costs as well as improved workflow and increased throughput have a dramatic impact on expenses. Reliable and sturdy design reduces maintenance expenditures. The main advantages of slot-scan chest and long bone radiography are the speed at which imaging can be acquired and interpreted with the low cost and the low radiation exposure.

- Compactness: Typical standard X-ray room with medium patient load needs to be equipped for all radiographic applications. A limited room size shouldn't determine the degree of flexibility. JSB offers compact systems with excellent features and maneuverability. You can even create a standard radiography room in small areas, where no ceiling suspension system is going to fit.

- Speed and Safety: The scan DR system gives both operators and patients fast and effective solution with a maximum level of performance.

- Sophisticated Image Processing Technology: JSB has developed a solution that is allowed to display all diagnostically relevant information in one single image, giving more confidence in diagnosing. Manual procedures, like applying wedge filters, multiple processing to display all required areas of the image or adjusting contrast and brightness, become obsolete.

- Effective Computer-based X-ray Diagnostics: The automated digital workflow allows for the timesaving handling of patient and administrative data via RIS and PACS integration. Also shorterned image acquisition times and faster image distribution increase department efficiency. Shorter waiting times for the patients increase customer satisfaction.

Economic Operation & Maintenance

1) Supplied as a complete integrated system, the JSB DR price is far below comparable existing FPD DR systems.

2) JSB detector technology boasts long life with consistent image quality.

3) The MIC detector, the system's core component, has no aging effect such as dead pixels and decreased sensitivity.

4) More important than initial cost, the life of ownership costs is attractive due to low ongoing and maintenance costs.

5) Even the core MIC detector is serviceable if ever required.

JSB's Optimism

We are impressed by the quality of what JSB has to offer and are delighted to facilitate its international development, because we are convinced that its innovative technology and management team will exert a strong impact on the medical imaging market.

Shielding Room for Space & Cost Saving

1) Compact design of DDR Inventor-V allows JSB Medics to offer a capsule type shielded room option.

2) Functions as an all-in-one mini X-ray room to best utilize space.

3) Eliminates the need to shield entire room or adjacent areas.

4) No space is too small to become a fully functioning X-ray room.

5) Maintain existing functionality of adjacent room space for greater flexibility even in the most confined spaces.

6) Capsule incorporates operator control area, full shielding and image review station, ultimately reducing installation costs.

7) Provides full protection for operator, clinic staff and accompanying persons.

High X-ray Patient Throughput

The tightly focused X-ray beam produces virtually no scattered radiation, making the JSB DR safe and easy to operate. Lesser skilled operators can produce quality images by using far less radiation dose than anyone else in the industry. The JSB DR's speed of operation ensures that it is suited to high X-ray patient throughput situation. It needs fewer views to be taken to complete an exam. It has excellent spatial and contrast resolution. Linear slot scan DR technology increases workflow, reduces costs and increases productivity. It is compatible with PACS for the all digital imaging department.

No Cassette Needed for Long Body Scan

JSB DR has arbitrary size of maximum 16" x 39" or 410mm x 990mm image. And it does not need a long size cassette for whole spin and long bone. Therefore, it has great efficiency for chiropractic study (1:1 scale of vertical direction). It is unique in the sense that it can obtain a long body X-ray picture with only one scan by the machine, while conventional X-rays can only cover a single section of the body per scan.

Speedy Image Acquisition Time

The JSB machine takes a maximum of 5 seconds to do a long body scan. As soon as scanning is done, the data collected is processed and a long body digital X-ray image is available for examination within 2 seconds. The X-ray picture is scalable and the medical personnel can look at the long body in one glance and zoom into specific detail should they need to. Also due to the fact that the picture is digital, it can be distributed quite easily.

Time Saving JSB DR System

The JSB DR provides a higher precision in diagnosis and more convenient operability in addition to enhancing its reliability and economic efficiency. It can be controlled at the PC monitor and the time and cost for procurement, developing and transmission of films can also be significantly reduced. The easy access to the patient and the enhanced functional reliability have been realized by adopting the scan type MIC in which the krypton gas is filled up and sealed. One of the largest motivators for healthcare facilities to adopt our system is that the JSB DR considerably reduces time and costs associated with processing and managing images as well as storing films.

Excellent Efficiency of JSB DR

JSB DR's fully integrated system is designed to increase efficiency in patient exam time. The Scan-DR system offers a quicker turnaround for digital images than CR does and eliminates everything associated with film processing from an analogue facility. Compared to processing film and storing chemicals, the image acquisition process is far more efficient. Therefore, the images are available within seconds with excellent image quality. The DR alleviated workflow backups and doctors are now able to see more patients in a day. We are confident of the Scan-DR's continued growth in the orthopedic and chiropractic market as it will continue to phase out older, less practical film processing methods.

High Throughput General Radiography

Flexible format DR capability for large or small field-of-view X-ray images

- Fewer views to be taken to complete an exam

- Excellent spatial and contrast resolution

- Linear slot scan DR technology increases workflow, reduces costs and increases productivity.

- PACS compatibility for the "all digital imaging department"

Time Saving & Efficient DR

1) High speed of scanning ensures JSB scanning DDR systems are ideally suited to high throughput scenarios.

2) Full spine or long bone length X-ray images completed in only 5 seconds with no projectional distortion.

3) Fewer views required to complete large region skeletal analysis.

4) Improved yields from all-in-one imaging.

5) Eliminates time-consuming images stitching processes.

6) Equally efficient in sectional and small body part examinations.

7) Highly efficient for chiropractic, scoliosis or growth analysis assessments.

8) Fully PACS compatible for DICOM distribution and management.

9) Maximize productivity and minimize staffing costs through implementation of fast scanning DDR Inventor-V systems.

Monday 8 November 2010

Motion Blurring

Since the collimator makes the radiation in the form of fan beam, the detector detects line by line the fan-beam radiograph. Compared to exposure time of film screen or FPD or CCD being 0.01 - 0.1 sec. the scan speed per line of our DR system is about 0.0035 sec.. Considering maximum motion speed is about 7 cm/sec., motion distortion cannot be seen because the relative speed between adjacent muscle or organs is relatively low. That is why instantaneous scanning X-ray exposure (scanning motion over the body) greatly reduces motion artifacts, so complete patient immobilization is not critical, which means the patient does not need to be completely still while scanning. Although it seemed that our scanning DR had a higher probability of producing a motion artifact, a previous study conducted by Samsung Medical Center demonstrated that motion in a brief period degraded only a small segment of slot scanning image, while it affects the entire portion of CR image. Continuous motion throughout the image acquisition period caused an artifact that was less apparent with our scanning DR method than the CR method. Actually, none of the scanning DR images had any significant motion artifacts leading to a difficulty in reaching the correct diagnosis.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Radiation Scatter and Machine Placement

Authorities are very sensitive when it gets to the governing of the placement and operation of X-ray equipment as well as human exposure to X-rays. The JSB scanner has minimal (insignificant) X-ray scatter - in other words the entire X-ray dose utilized is used for the X-ray. With conventional X-ray equipment rooms need to be specifically prepared for placement of the machine and operators are obliged to operate the machine from a distance protected by lead aprons and screens. The JSB machine is unique in that it can be placed in any room and operating personnel are not exposed to scatterd X-rays.

X-ray dosage

The JSB machine uses approximately 25% of the X-ray dose of one conventional chest X-ray to create the full spine image. Dosage is quite a sensitive matter and the primary reason why pregnant women and children are only X-rayed under strict conditions. With the JSB machine the danger of an overdose is taken away and both children and pregnant women could be X-rayed without concern. CT scanners are the worst when X-ray dose is taken into account. Its dose is exponentially higher than the JSB scanner.

Speed of Operation

The JSB machine takes a maximum of 5 seconds to do a whole spine or long bone scan. As soon as the scanning is done, the data collected is processed and a long-bone digital X-ray image is available for examination within 1-2 minutes. The X-ray picture is scalable and the medical personnel can look at the full spine or long bone in one glance or zoom into specific detail should they need to. Also due to the fact that the picture is digital, it can be distributed quite easily. Conventional X-rays and CT scanners could give the same result but to get a good quality image can take up to 30 minutes and much longer to collate enough data for a full-body picture.

JSB system's unique characteristics

1) It is one of the only a few digital X-ray systems that produces a full-spine X-ray picture.

2) It can complete an entire multi-view X-ray examination in a few seconds.

3) Its low dose technology is the safest X-ray system for healthcare personnel and patients.

4) X-ray dose used is estimated to be about 25% of equivalent other techniques 975% less dose is typically required).

5) Its technology produces minimal amount of X-ray scatter, thereby further minimizing radiation exposure of patients and heathcare personnel.

6) Its X-ray exposure can be custom tailored to meet the diagnostic needs of the pediatric patient (children).

7) Its instantaneous X-ray exposure 9scanning motion over the body0 greatly reduces motion artifacts, thus the patient does not need to be completely still while scanning.

Thus, the JSB machine is the lowest dose X-ray system ever produced and the safest for outpatients, pregnant women, children and healthcare personnel.

Unique Features of DDR Inventor-V

1) It takes a maximum of 2.5 seconds and 5 seconds to do a chest and long body scan respectively.

2) As soon as scanning is done, the data processing and digital image acquisition take less than 2 seconds.

3) Imaging can be fully customized to fit the diagnostic requirements.

4) Being a digital image, distribution and delivery is fast and uncomplicated.

5) DDR Inventor scanning technology produces minimal scatter to further minimize radiation exposure to patients and users.

6) Instantaneous scanning X-ray exposure reduces motion artifacts, so complete patient immobilization is not critical.

7) Absence of projectional distortion along scanning plane provides accurate measurements.

8) Ease of operation allows excellent results from junior and experienced radiographers alike.

9) Low dose results, high image quality.

System Function and Core Advantages

The JSB DR function conducts radiography with the X-ray beam collimated into a slit by moving the X-ray tube and MIC detector at constant speed in the body-axis direction. The digital radiographic scanning systems (digital radiographic scanners) constitute a new class (type) of digital radiographic devices of both general and special purpose in which the scanning technologies for obtaining the digital X-ray image are used.

JSB is proud to offer the scanning digital radiography for long body, designed to provide high quality images with low X-ray exposure. Advantages include no long size cassette needed, arbitrary image size, maximum 16" x 39" image and great efficiency on chiropractic and orthopedic studies. Advantages of MIC (multi-channel ionization chamber) detector include direct conversion, high fill factor and no dead pixels. Other advantages are no scattering, low dose and low distortion of irradiation.

Application of JSB DR Systems

The JSB DR is for diagnosis of patients in standing position with clear advantages compared to those using standard X-ray imaging receivers. This system offers the industry's highest image quality with dramatically reduced radiation dose and the virtual elimination of motion artifacts. The system with its compact and sturdy design, integrated X-ray tube and slit-collimator, meets the specific screening requirements such as high patient throughput, fast viewing, low radiation exposure and low cost. The system for obtaining the long-body digital radiographic images is the ideal solution for quick diagnostics of patients in orthopedic and chiropractic cases. It is intended for obtaining high-quality X-ray images of the patient's bone structures and soft tissues in the standing position and it is optimal for equipping of radiology departments of regional outpatients clinics, hospitals and diagnostic imaging centers. In comparison with digital radiographic systems based on standard flat panels, image plates and other types of digital imaging detectors, the JSB digital radiography system provides a considerable number of clear advantages for performing speedy diagnostics of patients. Its application includes radiology department of outpatient clinics, diagnostic imaging centers, orthopedics and chiropractics. In Korea, more and more diagnostic centers are interested in installing JSB DR for general chest screening purposes. The system is intended to produce high quality digital radiographic chest images for the purpose of screening and diagnostic chest radiography. It allows performing early diagnostics of diseases of the thorax organs including tuberculosis, cancer and others. It is the optimal solution for equipping of radiology departments of regional outpatient clinics, hospitals and diagnostic centers. And the system allows low operating costs due to savings on X-ray films, chemicals, film processor and maintenance expenditures.

Mechanism of Action of JSB DR System

While the patient stands, a vertical drive mechanism inside JSB DR moves X-ray tube and collimator down along the patient. In only seven seconds or less, whole spine digital radiographs are taken. JSB DR not only improves accuracy but also saves technologist and patient waiting time during busy clinics with no stitching, no cassette handling. For decades, radiologists, orthopaedic surgeons and rheumatologists have relied on a set of X-ray images to fully assess a patient's osteoarticular condition. AP and LAT views have been used to help physicians imagine what a 3D skeletal image would look like.

JSB DR captures whole spine image of a standing patient in a single scan without any stitching or vertical distortion, with an outstanding image quality. The lack of vertical distortion, thanks to the JSB slot scanning technology and its unique reference plane positioning, provides true size images, in 1:1 scale, for highly accurate measurement. With JSB DR, radiologists and orthopedists can now have a full view of their patient's whole spine and long bone with a drastic reduction of radiation exposure, a faster workflow. JSB DR captures frontal and lateral full spine or long bone images of patients in the upfront, weight bearing position. JSB technology uses a perpendicular X-ray beam collimated in very thin, horizontal, fan-shaped beam and detector. Fan-beam X-ray and detector are mounted on a frame and scan the patient's body. The detector detects line by line an extremely high contrast digital radiograph, while the dose administered to the patient does not exceed a dose equivalent to the exposure that results from a few transatlantic flights.

The JSB DR's digital output requires no film processing. This reduces operating costs dramatically. Patients can be assessed quickly with the large format full-spine digital image or smaller format detailed studies. The JSB DR produces images that are as sharp as those made by conventional X-ray equipment. The tightly focused X-ray beam produces virtually no scattered radiation, making the system safe and easy to operate. Lesser skilled operators can produce quality images by using far less radiation dose than anyone else in the industry. The JSB DR's speed of operation ensures that it is suited to high X-ray patient throughput situations.

Quality Policy

Quality is a fundamental business principle of JSB.

Quality means providing our internal and external customers with safe and effective products and services that fully satisfy the requirements while meeting our management commitment to abide by requlartory and standards requirements.

Ceaseless quality improvement is the objective of every JSB employee.

Vision Statement

JSB will be a recognized leader in medical imaging and radiography systems market. We will build a sustainable competitive advantage through unique technology, reliable products, superior customer service and sound business practices.

JSB will promote continuous improvement in every aspect of our business and will deliver high quality products and services to the market more quickly and efficiently than our competitors.

JSB will encourage mutual respect and trust, empowerment and accountability, and foster an environment of creativity and open communications among its employees and customers.

JSB's success will be measured regularly by growth in revenue, profitability, market share, innovation and employee commitment.

ISO9001:2008, ISO13485:2003, CE Mark

JSB Medics Co., Ltd. is a global manufacturer aspiring to distribute its products to all leading X-ray equipment importers worldwide. Our philosophy of delivering high quality products within a short period of time and at an attractive price is convincing. We have been certified in accordance with ISO9001:2008 / ISO13485:2003, which are recognized and accepted worldwide. ISO13485 is an ISO Standard specifically written for Medical Device Manufacturers. This standard includes the design, development and manufacturer of medical devices for compliance with the CE marking Medical Devices Directive requirements. Along with the ISO9001 and ISO13485 registrations, JSB also holds CE0434. CE and CE0434 marking are often referred to as a 'passport' that allows manufacturers form anywhere in the world to sell their goods throughout the European market. The letters 'CE' are an abbreviation for Conformite Europeenne, Frenc for European Conformity. The letters 'CE' on a product are the manufacturer's conformation that the product meets the requirements of all relevant European Directives. CE marking on a product also indicates: To governments that the product can be legally sold within the European Union. To customers that the product meets designated credibility, safety standards and therefore have an acceptable level of quality.

JSB Medics Co., Ltd.

JSB Medics was established on March 2, 2009, acquiring Medical Division of ADT in Korea. JSB Medics is a technology-driven Korean manufacturer and exporter specializing in high-performance radiography systems. These systems are of good quality and popular with radiologists because they are cost-effective and economical as well as technologically advanced.

JSB Medics, as a medical technology company, has been innovative force in the fast-growing field of digital radiography (DR) equipment. The JSB offers a family of medical X-ray equipment, which can be found in many leading medical and healthcare facilities. JSB is now recognized as one of the world leaders in the design, manufacture and marketing of slot-scan imaging technique for medical radiography. Slot-scan imaging technique is considered to be X-ray technology of the future.

JSB Medics is a company whose success is based on quality and an innovative product philosophy. Looking back on more than 16 years of the development and manufacture of radiography systems on the part of our management, we are making great endeavours in strengthening our market position as a reliable supplier of state-of-the-art radiography systems and trying to win new markets. We make efforts to live up to our customers' expectations and meet the requirements of the people and environment by having made quality the major concern of all of our employees. Quality is the basic concept underlying any of our company's management activities. This concept is implemented every day with a view to achieving customer satisfaction, complete documentation, transparent operations and clear responsibilities.

The management undertakes regular evaluations of the efficiency of the quality assurance system by analysing internal audits and takes the measures required for the constant further development and improvement of the QM system. We have taken up quality as a matter of course and a permanent obligation; it is absolutely necessary for our company's innovative capability and for the service to our customers.

With professional design and manufacturing capabilities, JSB has become a modern high-tech company specialized in research & development of cutting-edge digital X-ray imaging scanning detectors for medical applications as well as system design, manufacture, engineering and customer service. The strategic goal of JSB is to provide the highest image quality - at the lowest system cost. JSB Product line is based on a patented process using a very high-quality digital scanning detectors. JSB is comprised of dedicated staff in manufacturing, software development, marketing, R & D, product support and service. JSB has been certified by ISO9001:2008, ISO13485:2003 and the quality of the products can therefore be guaranteed.

Supported by staff with the capacity to introduce top-of-the-line products and the passion for the safety and well being of people all over the world, JSB will continue to challenge itself to become the company that gives value to the world.

About JSB Medics Co., Ltd.

JSB Medics Co., Ltd. was established on March 2, 2009 and acquired Medical Division of ADT in Korea. Our company is a technology-driven Korean manufacturer and exporter specializing in high-performance digital radiography systems. These systems are of good quality and popular with radiologists because they are cost-effective and economical as well as technologically advanced.

JSB Medics, as a medical technology company, has been an innovative force in the fast-growing field of digital radiography (DR) equipment. The JSB offers a family of medical X-ray equipment, which can be found in many leading medical and healthcare facilities. JSB is now recognized as one of the world leaders in the design, manufacture and marketing slot-scan imaging technique for medical radiography. Slot-scan imaging technique is considered to be X-ray technology of the future.

JSB has been recognized as the industry's true pioneer in state-of-the art digital radiographic scanning technology for medical application. With professional design and manufacturing capabilities, JSB can provide customized solutions for individual clients. JSB has become a modern high-tech company specializing in research & development of cutting-edge digital X-ray imaging scanning detectors for medical applications as well as system design, manufacture, engineering and cutomer service. The strategic goal of JSB is to provide the highest image quality - at the lowest system cost. JSB product line is based on a patented process using a very high-quality digital scanning detectors. JSB is comprised of dedicated staff in manufacturing, software development, marketing, R&D, product support and service. JSB has been certified by ISO 9001:2008, ISO 13485:2003 and the quality of the products can therefore be guaranteed.

Thursday 24 June 2010


Digital Radiography System for Fullspine & Longbone


1) Scattered X-ray photons can contribute very significantly to the exposure of the image. In screen-film or flat panel type radiography, scattered radiation causes a reduction of contrast of the image.
2) The main effect of scattered radiation is to increase the noise of image. Grids are used to reduce scattered radiation, but can also produce artifacts on the image.
3) In the case of DDR Inventor-V, the fan beam by collimator reduces scattered radiation from patient and linear structure of detector also prevents incident scattered ray from patient.
4) Therefore, there is no need of severe image processing to remove the noise from scattered radiation and image processing speed is very fast.


1) DDR Inventor-V is another innovation from JSB and it completely revolutionizes how long bone imaging is done.
2) It also eliminates the need for image stitching process and creates a full spine image on one exposure.
3) Workflow is once again streamlined by a single exposure hence reducing dose and discomfort to the patient.
4) Because the full spine or long bone image is taken in one shot and image stitching is eliminated, DDR inventor-V increases user’s productivity and throughput.


1) The film-screen and flat plate type detector cannot avoid the image distortion in vertical and horizontal directions.
2) DDR Inventor-V shows real size of image in the vertical direction.


1) Normal exposure time of conventional screen-film radiography for chest is about ~ 0.05 sec.
2) In the case of DDR Inventor-V, exposure time per line depends on scanning speed and is under 0.005 sec. at normal scan speed.
3) Therefore, effective exposure time of DDR Inventor-V is shorter than that of other radiography systems.
4) In addition, characteristics of MIC detector related to high image quality such as direct conversion, low scattered radiation and high fill factor contribute to low radiation dose on patients.

Wednesday 23 June 2010


1) Fill factor is the ratio of the sensitive area of the pixel to the effective area of the detector itself.
2) If the fill factor is small, light photons from a part of incident X-rays may never be recorded.
3) MIC detector has no loss of effective sensing area because most of all ions are captured between the electrodes.
4) Above all, MIC detector has no dead zone by its intrinsic characteristics.


1) Most of the digital radiography systems which are based on charge-coupled device (CCD) and amorphous silicon (a-Si) are indirect conversion type that uses scintillator to convert incident X-ray into visible light.
2) That is, they need two-step process to get electronic signal for digital image and the image quality is significantly affected by scintillator.
3) MIC detector is direct conversion type. The X-ray irradiation which passed through the patient penetrates into the space between the electrodes and the gas filled in the chamber is ionized to generate charges on the corresponding electrodes.
4) The induced charges are read directly by electronics.


The DDR Inventor-V’s fully integrated system is designed to increase efficiency in patient exam time. This scanning DR system offers quicker turnaround for digital images than Conventional Radiography does and eliminates everything associated with film processing from an analogue facility. Compared to processing film and storing chemicals, the image acquisition process is far more efficient. Therefore, the images are available within seconds with excellent image quality. One of the largest motivators for healthcare facilities to adopt this JSB’s DR system is that DDR Inventor-V considerably reduces time and costs associated with processing and managing images as well as storing films. The tightly focused X-ray beam produces virtually no scattered radiation effect, making the DDR Inventor-V safe and easy to operate. Lesser skilled operators can produce quality images by using far less radiation dose than anyone else in the industry. The JSB’s Scan DR’s speed of operation ensures that it is best suited to high X-ray patient throughput situations. In fact, this scan-type DR has alleviated workflow back-ups and radiologists are now able to see more patients in a day. JSB Medics is confident of the DDR Inventor-V’s continued growth in the market as it will continue to phase out older, less practical film processing methods.


1) As an option, JSB Medics could provide capsule-type shield room that was developed for the first time in the world.
2) This mini X-ray room functions as all-in-one digital clinic and makes the full use of space.
3) Due to the complete shielding of the DDR Inventor-V, it is unnecessary to shield the X-ray room in its entirety.
4) This space-saving design allows installation in confined areas such as consulting room.
5) There is no need for control rooms or for the entire shielding of X-ray rooms, which is ultimately leading to lower costs.
6) This shielding solution is unique in that it can be placed in any room and operating personnel are not exposed to scattered X-rays.


1) The JSB DR system’s speed of operation ensures that it is suited to high X-ray patient throughput situations.
2) Long body X-ray images can be completed in 5 to 7 seconds.
3) It needs fewer views to be taken to complete an exam, having excellent spatial and contrast resolution.
4) It also eliminates the need for image stitching process and creates a full spine or long bone image on one exposure.
5) It can obtain a long body X-ray picture with only one scan by the machine, while conventional X-rays can only cover a single section of the body per scan.
6) It is compatible with PACS for the all digital imaging department.


1) The price is far lower than existing FPD DR systems.
2) This scanning DR system enjoys long life time with consistent image quality.
3) MIC detector, the system’s core part, has no aging effect such dead pixels and decrease of sensitivity.
4) Not only the price of detector but its maintenance cost is very low.
5) When needed, repairing the MIC detector is possible.


1) DDR Inventor-V is very beneficial since its effective exposure time is shorter than that of other radiography systems.
2) Low noise characteristics of detector and application of scanning method make a result of low radiation dose to patients.
3) The scanning time characterizes the time of passing over the selected area of a very narrow fan-like X-ray beam.
4) Highly focused fan beam effectively eliminates large X-ray doses, so it ensures reduced risk of radiation exposure to staff and patients.
5) Patient is exposed to radiation layer-by-layer, as against the traditional radiography, where the patient is exposed to a wide beam acting simultaneously upon the whole selected area.
6) The lower patient exposure dose is conditioned by high sensitivity of the X-ray image receiver, absence of anti-scattering grid and short time of an effective exposure of the patient.
7) With the JSB system, the danger of an overdose is taken away and both children and pregnant women could be X-rayed without concern.


1) The influence of non-diagnostic scattered radiation on quality of the digital image is completely eliminated, without using the scattering-preventing grid.
2) The scattered radiation is deflected because the X-ray image receiver is a very narrow linear array X-ray sensitive detector.
3) The contrast sensitivity is substantially improved, not only due to the absence of influence of the scattered radiation, but also due to the absence of mutual influence between the neighboring image elements.
4) The reasonable cost and low operational maintenance-related expenses of the detector are ensured.
5) Vascular pulsations caused by the heartbeats do not affect the quality and diagnostic capabilities due to the fact that the scanning time is short and the exposure time does not last long.


1) It takes a maximum of 2.5 seconds and 5 seconds to do a chest and long body scan respectively.
2) As soon as scanning is done, the data processing and digital image acquisition take within 2 seconds.
3) Imaging can be fully customized to fit the diagnostic requirements.
4) Due to the fact that the picture is digital, it can be distributed quite easily.
5) Its technology produces minimal amount of X-ray scatter, thus further minimizing radiation exposure of patients and users.
6) Its instantaneous X-ray exposure greatly reduces motion artifacts, thus the patient does not need to be completely still while imaging.
7) Ease of operation allows non-specialized users to perform procedures and to administer only the lowest possible dose required to achieve the high quality results needed.