Monday 29 November 2010

Unequalled Radiation Exposure Reduction

With medical imaging usage increasing over the last 25 years, reducing the patient's exposure to X-ray doses has been a top priority of the medical imaging community for several years. The technology of JSB allows its dosage to be 6 to 9 times less than CR system and more than 100 times below that of a 3D CT scan because JSB detector's automatic gain, control, paired with its ability to reject scattered X-rays, gives radically enhanced image contrast performance at a very reduced dose. Only JSB can produce such an image at such doses, bringing the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principles to levels never met before.

JSB people are not satisfied with the current state-of-the-art with regards to radiation safety in the field of X-ray imaging in particular and ionizing radiation based imaging systems in general. The effects of ionizing radiation on the environment and human health today are unnecessarily destructive. When developing new products and devices, JSB relies on safe, innovative technology that allows for reduction of the radiation dose utilized and thus the harmful effects of medical X-radiation on the patient. The utilization of these innovative methods provides a drastic reduction in the radiation exposure to both patient and staff while maintaining the high diagnostic quality of the digital X-ray image that medical X-ray imaging demands. These reductions in radiation profile are often greater than ten fold and provide for the creation of a new radiation safety standard.

A new study suggests that a drug is currently under development to protect cells from the damaging effects of radiation exposure. The new developmental drug assists mitochondria in combating irradiation-induced cell death. But currently, no drugs on the market counteract the effects of radiation exposure. In this respect, DDR Inventor-V is very beneficial since its effective exposure time is shorter than that of other radiography systems. That means low noise characteristics of detector and application of scanning method make a result of low radiation dose to patients.

We believe that all radiologists should always try to limit the radiation dose to our patients as much as possible. DDR Inventor-V will decrease radiation exposure and will streamline the workflow for technologists.

The difference between the scanning time and exposure time in the scanning systems is as follows. The exposure time in X-ray systems (both film and digital) characerizes the time of exposure (influence time) of the patient to the X-ray radiation for obtaining a high-quality X-ray image. The exposure time depends on the receiver sensitivity, kind of examination, radiation parameters and is from units up to hundreds milliseconds. In turn, the scanning time characterizes the time of passing over the selected (by means of the collimator) area of (scanning this area by) a very narrow fan-like X-ray beam. So patient is exposed to radiation layer-by-layer, as against the traditional radiography, where the patient is exposed to a wide beam acting simultanously upon the whole selected area.

Many clients and end-users wonder why the patient exposure dose in digital X-ray scanning system is lower than in other types of digital X-ray systems. The lower patient exposure dose is conditioned by high sensitivity of the X-ray image receiver, absense of anti-scattering grid, short time of an effective exposure of the patient.

Dosage is quite a sensitive matter and the primary reason why pregnant women and children are only X-rayed under strict conditions. With the JSB machine the danger of an overdose is taken away and both children and pregnant women could be X-rayed without concern.

Most innovative, JSB's DR system's radiation dose is about 1/3 to 1/5 of that of existing film-type or other DRs in general chest imaging. And recently, the ratio has been lowered up to 1/10 with the help of efficiency improvement of its detector. This is according to the study: Comparison of Radiation Dose of DDR Inventor-V to CR & DR in Long Bone and Spot Scanogram Imaging at 41st the Annual Meeting of Korean Radiological Technologists Association.

JSB has a novel medical imaging technique that allows long bone imaging of patients using radiation doses up to 80% lower than those required for a standard CR (computed radiography) X-ray. JSB is a revolutionary solution to reduce irradiation linked to radiological investigations, which has risen by 600% over the past 20 years. The benefits of JSB DR are particularly important in pediatrics, because children undergo X-rays throughout their development, when their organs are highly susceptible to ionizing radiation. JSB DR is also significantly beneficial in adults who do not wish to be exposed to ionizing radiation during standard X-rays or CT scans.

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