Wednesday 23 June 2010


1) DDR Inventor-V is very beneficial since its effective exposure time is shorter than that of other radiography systems.
2) Low noise characteristics of detector and application of scanning method make a result of low radiation dose to patients.
3) The scanning time characterizes the time of passing over the selected area of a very narrow fan-like X-ray beam.
4) Highly focused fan beam effectively eliminates large X-ray doses, so it ensures reduced risk of radiation exposure to staff and patients.
5) Patient is exposed to radiation layer-by-layer, as against the traditional radiography, where the patient is exposed to a wide beam acting simultaneously upon the whole selected area.
6) The lower patient exposure dose is conditioned by high sensitivity of the X-ray image receiver, absence of anti-scattering grid and short time of an effective exposure of the patient.
7) With the JSB system, the danger of an overdose is taken away and both children and pregnant women could be X-rayed without concern.

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