Wednesday 9 February 2011

Unique Features of JSB DR System

- It takes a maximum of 2.5 seconds and 5 seconds to do a chest and long body scan respectively.
- As soon as scanning is done, the data processing and digital image acquisition take less than 2 seconds.
- Imaging can be fully customised to fit the diagnostic requirements.
- Being a digital image, distribution and delivery is fast and uncomplicated.
- DDR Inventor scanning technology produces minimal scatter to further minimise radiation exposure to patients and users.
- Instantaneous scanning X-ray exposure reduces motion artifacts, so complete patient immobilisation is not critical.
- Absence of projectional distortion along scanning plane provides accurate measurements.
- X-ray dose used is estimated to be about 25% of equivalent to other techniques.
- Its X-ray exposure can be custom tailored to meet the diagnostic needs of the pediatric patient.

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