Wednesday 30 March 2011

New Picture

Chest, Whole Spine, Long Bone and Sectional Imaging

The DDR Inventor-V does it all - brilliantly

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Low Radiation Dose

- DDR Inventor-V scanning methods ensures shorter exposure times than other radiography systems.
- Low noise characteristics of the detector combine with unique scanning method to reduce radiation dose to patients.
- Exposure time is effectively defined by the time of passing of the narrow fan beam over the selected tissues.
- The highly focused beam effectively eliminates large area X-ray doses, so reducing radiation exposure risk to patients and to staff.
- Patient is exposed to radiation layer-by-layer, as against the traditional radiography techniques where a wide beam acts simultaneously on the entire anatomical area.
- The combinations of highf sensitivity detector, narrow fan beam, absence of anti-scatter grid and short effective exposure time serve to lower patient exposure dose levels.
- With JSB Medics DDR scanning system, the lower levels of radiation allow careful reconsideration of safe procedures for children and pregnant women.

Economic Operation & Maintenance

DDR Inventor-V is an economic solution, since MIC detector has long lifetime due to its non-sensitive to temperature, humidity, vibration and treatment. Also, JSB can provide a full-coverage of customer service in short time, since it has its own technology on core parts and keeps sufficient inventory.

- Supplied as a complete integrated system, the DDR Inventor-V price is far below comparative existing FPD DR system.
- JSB Medics detector technology boasts long life time with consistent image quality.
- The MIC detector, the system's core component, has no aging effects such as dead pixels and decreased sensitivity.
- More important than initial cost, the life of ownership costs is attractive due to low ongoing and maintenance costs.
- Even the core MIC detector is serviceable if ever required.

Unique Features of JSB DR System

- It takes a maximum of 2.5 seconds and 5 seconds to do a chest and long body scan respectively.
- As soon as scanning is done, the data processing and digital image acquisition take less than 2 seconds.
- Imaging can be fully customised to fit the diagnostic requirements.
- Being a digital image, distribution and delivery is fast and uncomplicated.
- DDR Inventor scanning technology produces minimal scatter to further minimise radiation exposure to patients and users.
- Instantaneous scanning X-ray exposure reduces motion artifacts, so complete patient immobilisation is not critical.
- Absence of projectional distortion along scanning plane provides accurate measurements.
- X-ray dose used is estimated to be about 25% of equivalent to other techniques.
- Its X-ray exposure can be custom tailored to meet the diagnostic needs of the pediatric patient.

Monday 7 February 2011

DDR Inventor-V for Long Bone - Overview -

DDR Inventor-V is an instrument that is capable of imaging the whole length of vertebrae as well as that of upper/lower limbs through the use of a scanning method, thus making it possible to acquire high-resolution digital images with smaller amount of X-rays used for imaging.

This system captures whole spine image of a standing patient in a single scan without any stitching or vertical distortion, with an outstanding image quality. The lack of vertical distortion, thanks to the JSB slot scanning technology and its unique reference plane positioning, provides true size images, in 1:1 scale, for highly accurate measurement.

JSB technology uses a perpendicular X-ray beam in very thin, horizontal, fan-shaped beam and detector. Fan-beam X-ray and detector are mounted on a frame and scan the patient's body. The detector detects line by line an extremely high contrast digital radiograph, while the lower levels of radiation allow careful reconsideration of safe procedures for children and pregnant women.

With JSB DR, radiologists and orthopedists can now have a full view of their patient's whole spine and long bone with a drastic reduction of radiation exposure and a faster exposure and a faster workflow. JSB DR captures frontal and lateral full spine or long bone images of patients in the upright, weight bearing position.

JSB software DRWorks, based on DICOM, is completely compatible with HIS (Hospital Information System). The hospitals even without PACS can manage patient information and images independently with its own viewer and database.

JSB Medics has recently upgraded its ambitious scanning X-ray system in an effort to bring about ground-breaking innovation in its safety and efficiency for radiologists.

* CE Approved scanning DR System for Whole Spine/Long Bone as well as Chest

* Maximum 16" x 39" image

* Lowest Radiation Dose (1/3 ~ 1/12 compared to other X-ray systems)

* Direct Conversion with High Fill Factor and No Dead Pixel

* No Cassette, No Grid and No Film Needed

* Great Efficiency on Diagnostic, Orthopaedic and Chiropractic Applications

* No Scattering and No Distortion of Irradiation

* Higher X-ray Throughput and Increased Work Efficiency

* Motorised Elevator for Patient's Comfort

Corporate Mission Statement

To be a leading supplier of high quality, professionally used instruments, components and systems in selected medical niche market based on our own design and original creation, while providing superior customer support and services.

The business units of JSB Medics consider customers as their guide to inspire operations. All departments have been set up to serve customer needs and each offers exceptionally high quality products and services. In this approach quality prevails over price, which is ultimately added value to customers.

An extensive dealer and sales agent network helps JSB Medics to achieve its global coverage. Training and education are synonymous with our products, enabling all our users to obtain maximum efficiency. International scientific and technical conferences are organised regularly to support the optional use of our products and to promote knowledge-sharing between our customers. It also educates us in the innovation process.

The continuous research and development of all our products is an important task for which we spend at least 10% of our annual sales. New products and product upgrades are released on a frequent basis. All our business units, products and procedures are continuously monitored in order to meet a range of international quality standards. We do "whatever it takes".

JSB Medics Co., Ltd.

JSB Medics Co., Ltd., as a medical technology company, is an innovative force in the fast-growing field of digital radiography (DR) equipment. JSB has become a modern high-tech company specialised in research & development of cutting-edge digital X-ray imaging scanning detectors for medical applications as well as system design, manufacture, engineering and customer service.

The strategic goal of JSB is to provide the highest image quality - at the lowest system cost. JSB product line is based on a patented process using a very high-quality digital scanning detectors. JSB is comprised of dedicated staff in manufacturing, software development, marketing, R&D, product support and service.

JSB has been certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 / ISO 13485:2003 which is an ISO Standard specifically written for Medical Device Manufacturers. The management undertakes regular evaluations of the efficiency of the quality assurance system by analyzing internal audits and takes the measures required for the constant further development and improvement of the QM system. JSB has taken up quality as a matter of course and a permanent obligation; it is absolutely necessary for JSB's innovative capability and for the service to our valued customers.

Supported by staff with the capacity to introduce top-of-the-line products and the passion for the safety and well-being of people all over the world, JSB will continuously develop excellent cost-effective products and services that anticipate and fulfill customer.

Sunday 30 January 2011

Comparative Scatter and Dose Performance of Slot-scan and Full-field Digital Chest Radiography Systems

Purpose: The purpose is to evaluate the scatter, dose, and effective detective quantum efficiency (DQE) performance of a slot-scan digital chest radiography system compared wit that of a full-field digital radiography system.

Materials and Methods: Scatter fraction of a slot-scan system was measured for an anthropornorphic and a geometric phantom by using a posterior beam-technique at 117 and 140 kVp. Measurements were repeated with a full-field digital radiography system with and without a 13:1 antiscatter grid at 120 and 140 kVp. For both systems, the effective dose was measured on posteroanterior and lateral views for standard clinical techniques by using dosimeters embedded in a female phantom. The effective DQEs of the two systems were assessed by taking into account the scatter performance and the DQE of each system. The statistical significance of all the comparative differences was ascertained by means of t test analysis.

Results: The slot-scan system and the full-field system with grid yielded scatter fractions of 0.13-0.14 and 0.42-0.48 in the lungs and 0.30-0.43 and 0.69-0.78 in the mediastinum, respectively. The sum of the effective doses for posteroanterior and lateral views for the slot-scan system was 34% lower than that for the full-field system at their respective clinical peak voltages. The effective DQE of the slot-scan system was equivalent to that of the full-field system in the lung region, but was 37% higher in the dense regions.

Conclusion: The slot-scan design leads to marked scatter reduction compared with the more conventional full-field geometries with a grid. The improved scatter performance of a slot-scan geometry can effectively empensate for low DQE and lead to improved image quality.

Comparing Performance with Predicative Device

The DDR Inventor-V is nearly same or similar in several characteristics as the Lodox Statscan, which has been sold in the world under FDA and CE approval. A difference between DDR Inventor-V and Lodox Statscan is detector adapted. The function of detector is receptor for digitizing the signal of incident radiation and its difference can not cause any side effect on the patient and the safety of the device has been proved with the test required by EN60601-1. Our decision is also based on the risk analysis report, related articles on journals. DDR Inventor-V is a device, which is intended to use for normal X-ray examinations as is currently practiced with general-purpose single short X-ray machines. We conclude that it is clinically safe and effective for user and patients with the intended use.

Sunday 23 January 2011


DRWorks is operating program that provides interfacing between user and DDR Inventor system to control the system and to monitor its status. DRWorks can be connected with any PACS that follow DICOM protocol because DRWorks was designed to keep international standard protocol. DRWorks enables to read/write patient information, perform study and PACS transfer of acquisition image through OCS or RIS regardless of any hospital environment. DRWorks commmunicates with HFG and servo motor through RS-232C and communicates with systems through LAN. DRWorks consists of seven screen that are login, studylist, worklist, acquisition, preview, processview and DRWorks setting.

Intended Use

The digital radiography system (model: DDR Inventor-V) is an assembly of components for the controlled production of diagnostic images with X-ray. This system provides a digital image capture capability for conventional radiographic examinations (excluding fluoroscopy, angiography and mammography). This system can take all radiographic images of arbitrary vertical size of patients in the standing position because of adopting vertical scanning. Digital images can then be viewed, stored, or printed. The system transmits image data for hard copy, soft display, or storage via Ethernet using DICOM 3.0 protocol.

The lifetime of the device

The lifetime of the device is expected to be 10 years with considering that manufacturer of main parts such as X-ray tube and HV generator should be able to supply parts and support for at least 10 years. If operating condition is not severe and proper maintenance is kept, expected lifetime can be extended.

Technical Construction File

The digital radiography system (model: DDR Inventor-V) is a diagnostic X-ray system that provides digitalized images for the whole length of vertebrae as well as upper/lower limbs to get high quality of images with very low radiation dose through vertical scanning with the line detector. DDR Inventor-V consists of a line detector as the image receptor which converts incident X-ray to digitalized signals, an X-ray tube, a high voltage generator, an operating software and a scanning mechanics with gantry supporting the X-ray tube, the collimator and the detector.

Device identification

- Proprietary Name: Digital Radiography System for Long Bone (DDR Inventor-V)
- Common Name: Digital Radiography System

Why Diagnostic Centeres Cannot Misss This Opportunity

Until recently, medical centers and hospitals have done a limited diagnosis. Now comprehensive, "head-to-toe" check-up is becoming more and more important. Should you introduce JSB DR system:
1) The quality of the diagnostic centers(DCs) will be far more different than that of other hospitals.
2) DCs will enjoy more profits due to the increased check-up applications.
3) DCs are sure to lead by example other healthcare providers in the fact that you are using the 4th generation DR that can acquire excellent image quality with the lowest X-ray dose.
We ultimately hope diagnostic cneters to further upgrade their equipment and enjoy more return on investments and reputation that you are proactively leading other healthcare facilities with the help of JSB Medics and oru cutting-edge DR systems.

JSB DR System Ensures the Following for Diagnostic Centres

1) Increased work efficiency in patient exam

2) Higher X-ray patient throughput

3) More exams added to chest screening: long bone, whole spine, etc.

4) Quiker turnaround for digital images

5) Film processing & Cassettes eliminated

6) More efficient & Speedy teleradiology

7) More patients to be seen per day

8) Enhanced diagnostic services in general diagnostic centers